Country Sofrito – “Sofrito Pagès”

Country Sofrito - "Sofrito Pagès"
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Servings Prep Time
4people 2-3hours
Servings Prep Time
4people 2-3hours
Country Sofrito - "Sofrito Pagès"
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Servings Prep Time
4people 2-3hours
Servings Prep Time
4people 2-3hours
  1. Make a broth with the meat, the gizzards and livers can be added.
  2. Once the broth is done, drain the meat and slightly fry it in a pan, and set aside.
  3. In a clay casserole, make a sofrito sauce with garlic and parsley.
  4. Add the spicy sausage (sobrassada) that will melt and the blood sausage cut into slices so it will be fried in the oil that the spicy sausage loses.
  5. Add the grated tomato to the sofrito and let it cook well. Add the boiled and fried meat.
  6. Peel and cut the potatoes into medium pieces. Add them to the sofrito and add some of the broth.
  7. Let it cook on low heat, stirring it all together without shaking it too much.
  8. With the broth you can make a rice or noodle soup to serve as a started, dressed with a bit of sofrito that has been made for the “sofrit”.
Contributor: Eularia Torres Escanadell, 87
Place: Ibiza

Recipe’s Personal Background How did you learn this recipe? It is a local recipe, every family has their “tricks” or own seasonings.
Is there some memory/historical event connected to this recipe? At her wedding, “Sofrit de Pagès” was served as the main course. It was considered a festive dish thanks to its meat content and rich taste. And because of the long elaboration.
Personal reference to tradition transmitted by relatives (preparing together, sharing, eating together etc.)? _
Mediterranean Background Any tradition this receipe is connected to? If yes, which one? Can you describe it? _
Any Festivity this recipe is connected to? If yes, which one? Can you describe it? _

Is your recipe connected to the territory you live in? Is it strictly linked to the specificity of the agricultural environment?

Season (season this food is linked to) _
Ingredient Nutritional Importance Health Benefits
Beef This red meat or fatty meat has a large amount of high quality animal protein. It contains cholesterol and a variety of minerals and vitamins. Red meat must be consumed sparingly and moderately. Its lipid profile is not very healthy.
Chicken This white meat or lean meat has a good fat profile. It contains high quality protein with all the essential amino acids. This lean meat is a healthy source of protein animal. It helps to develop our body structure and has great quality iron.
Pork This animal has many uses and nutrients profiles. Mainly it is a fatty meat with high proportions of saturated fat and cholesterol. Red meat must be consume sparingly and moderately. Its lipid profile is not very healthy.
Potatoes This tuber is a rich source of carbohydrates and contains a high proportion of potassium. It is also a good source of vegetable protein. Tubers are originally from America, introduced to the Mediterranean Diet after the discovery of America. It has a very good value and is a source of carbohydrates good for sport and body development. It has a better glycemic index when eaten with the skin. Never eat it raw.
Sobrassada, (spicy pork sausage) One of the highest energetic products coming from pork. It contains a large proportion of saturated fat. It is a quite salty product. Red meat must be consume barely and moderately. Its lipid profile is not very healthy. Be careful as a salty product, to avoid hypertension.
Blood sausage This red meat is very energetic because it contains a lot of fat and protein. Rich in sodium and iron. Red meat must be consume sparingly and moderately. Its lipid profile is not very healthy.
Tomato Vegetable fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains vit. C and A, folic acid and potassium and a very large proportion of water. A medium tomato can give us a good amount of iron of plant origin. Its high content of vitamin C and A gives us an important amount of antioxidants, especially if raw.
Salt This flavour enhancer is the richest source of sodium. It also contains magnesium, but in much smaller amounts. A moderate consumption is healthy, but high proportions can cause health problems. Be attentive with salty products.
Garlic Bulb vegetable rich in potassium and contains vitamin C. It does not provide much energy but is valued for its micronutrients and phytochemical components. Classified as a bulb, they are associated with vasodilator and hypotensive properties.
Parsley This plant is one of the richest foods in vitamin A and vitamin C. It also contains a significant proportion of potassium and folic acid. It is one of the most common herbs in MD cuisine and culture. Eaten raw has a great nutritional properties, but its consumption is very small as a MD ingredient. Gives flavour to MD dishes.
Olive oil Excellent vegetal fat. It has a good amount of monounsaturated fats, without cholesterol. It is consider as the best fat for cooking and dressing/seasoning. As a fat it contains a lot of calories. Very well-known and associated to preventing cardiovascular diseases. It is very stable and resists high cooking temperatures, it is a great fat to cook with. Its consumption must be moderate because it is a fat, a high energetic food.
Additional information
Is it suggested to eat this meal if you suffer from some disease? If yes, for which one? No
What is the primary base with which your food is prepared? Is this a derivative of oil or another base? Red meat or fatty meat must be consumed sparingly per week. This recipe is just for special occasions as the cook says. It is very tasty but we must recommend this dish to be left for special occasions.
What nutrition related illnesses or deficiencies are common in your area? Are there holistic or nutrition based remedies connected to these aliments? No, there is no treatment based on this recipe.

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