Damietta, Egypt
(personal background of the person interviewed, not too much detailed, it depends on the context).
He is a local who has taken over his family restaurant and was able to maintain its standard of healthy, sustainable and creative dishes, all based on the use of locally produced duck and fowl.
Description of the environment where one of the activities listed above takes place:
(Please, specify: 1 – name of the local area, 2 – if it’s a place well-known for a specific activity and – if so – which one; 4 – information about plants and landscape related to Mediterranean environment linked to the activity; 5 – any relevant information linked to the research). If it’s possible, take pictures/shoot video of this place.
He is located in the city of Damietta, which has a long history of raising and consuming some of the best ducks in the region. Small family-owned farms around the area provide the source for the fowl and ensure its conformity with transitions and values of the farmers.
The cleaning and cooking techniques of the duck as well as the secret spices with which Ahmed stuffs it have been passed from generation to generation. Everyone in Damietta has a unique method of preparing this local delicacy.
Spices used: 1 onion, 1 carrot, 3 stems celery, 2 stems leeks, a pinch of cinnamon, half tsp. salt, half tsp. pepper, 1 laurel leaf, 3 seeds cardamom.
List of natural products (fruits, vegetables, plants, fish and so on) depending on the activity/the activity is done for and related to the Mediterranean Diet. Promotion of the territory. Promotion of biodiver Promotion of slow and 0% consumptionif it’s the case, how the 0 Km production is working at local level: Region, if it’s a place famous for a specific activity, why and so?
Locally grown fruits and vegetables are used in the production of this meal, as well as the above mentioned duck and fowl. Rice is also produced locally.
If it’s an activity related to the promotion of the territory, the biodiversity and the slow and 0% consumption, please, describe how it works at local level (if it’s related to traditional practice or traditional organization of the food distribution, promotion of territory or 0% consumption).
Visitors come to Damietta to eat the wonderful duck. There is a lot of people passing from this area, and in the port cities we will soon serve also international ships!
How did you learn this method/technique/practice?
We learned this method from our travels and research.
Season (season this activity is specifically carried out)
All year round.